CBD News

  • CBD et conduite: peut-on être sanctionné pour usage de stupéfiants ?

    CBD et conduite: peut-on être sanctionné pour...

    Le cannabidiol, plus connu sous l'abréviation CBD, est une substance de plus en plus populaire, appréciée pour ses effets principalement relaxants ainsi que pour son potentiel thérapeutique. Alors...

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  • THCP, H4CBD, HSD, tout savoir sur ces nouvelles molécules

    THCP, H4CBD, HSD, tout savoir sur ces nouvelles...

    THCP, H4CBD ou encore HSD… vous entendez de plus en plus parler de ces nouvelles molécules liées au cannabis. Mais d’où viennent-elles ? Quels sont leurs effets potentiels ? Et surtout que dit la...

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  • Le HHC : pourquoi n'en trouverez-vous pas à La Ferme du CBD ?

    Le HHC : pourquoi n'en trouverez-vous pas à La...

    HHC : la nouvelle tendance à risque dans le monde du CBD, découvrez pourquoi La Ferme du CBD ne le vend pas.

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  • Cannabidiol law

    Cannabidiol law

    The law in 2023, driving after taking CBD, sale and possession of cannabidiol, the dangers of THC: read our comprehensive guide!",,"The law in 2022, driving after taking CBD, sale and possession of...

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  • Italy: support for the hemp industry

    Italy: support for the hemp industry

    Recently, the Italian government issued a decree formalising financial support for the hemp industry in Italy. Already well ahead of the rest of Europe, Italy is once again showing initiative. With...

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  • Increase in hemp’s legal THC content in the EU

    Increase in hemp’s legal THC content in the EU

    Consumed in the form of oil or seeds, hemp has therapeutic and dietary properties. However, this variety of cannabis contains the compound responsible for psychoactive effects, albeit in low...

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  • Hemp-flavoured metro tickets for Berliners

    Hemp-flavoured metro tickets for Berliners

    The Berlin public transport company, BVG (Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe), provided edible tickets flavoured with hemp to its users between 13th to 17th December 2021. The campaign was a great success...

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  • Medical cannabis, the first steps towards trials in France

    Medical cannabis, the first steps towards...

    Long awaited and demanded by some doctors and their patients, a trial with medical cannabis is about to start in France. Who will benefit and how will the trial be assessed?

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  • The CBD boom in the USA

    The CBD boom in the USA

    The latest legal development concerning hemp in the USA is that you can now travel by air on domestic flights while in possession of CBD products. This is one more step in the development of the...

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  • Italy legalises CBD in food

    Italy legalises CBD in food

    Italy is among the most advanced European countries in terms of CBD legalisation. The latest development is the possibility of incorporating hemp into food. An update on Italy’s legislation.

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  • CBD on sale in Peruvian pharmacies

    CBD on sale in Peruvian pharmacies

    Peru is among the most advanced countries in terms of CBD legislation. After legalising medical cannabis in 2017, the country has just authorised the sale of CBD products in pharmacies.

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  • Italy considers hemp leaves to be a medicinal plant

    Italy considers hemp leaves to be a medicinal...

    Since August 2020, hemp flower for extractive use has been classified as a medicinal plant in Italy. What impact will this have on cannabis and CBD production in Italy? Explanations.

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