The CBD Farm blog

  • How to use CBD oil

    How to use CBD oil

    Types of oil, dosage, administration, scheduling, effects: read our comprehensive guide to taking CBD oil.

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  • Buying cannabidiol in pharmacies

    Buying cannabidiol in pharmacies

    Find out how and under what conditions you can buy CBD in physical and/or online pharmacies.

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  • 8 benefits of CBD oil

    8 benefits of CBD oil

    Find out about the 8 benefits of CBD oil on the body and mind for improved well-being and comfort in everyday life.

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  • Is it safe to drive after taking CBD?

    Is it safe to drive after taking CBD?

    Can you drive after using CBD? Find out what is and isn’t legal in this article.

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  • Definition of CBD: what is cannabidiol?

    Definition of CBD: what is cannabidiol?

    Definition, differences with THC, functioning: you can finally understand what CBD is and its effects on the body!

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  • The dangers of CBD: fact or fiction?

    The dangers of CBD: fact or fiction?

    Addiction, side effects, toxicity: let’s take a look at the preconceived ideas behind the dangers of CBD.

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  • How should CBD be used

    How should CBD be used

    How should CBD be used? Find out about 7 ways to enjoy the benefits of cannabidiol which are suitable for everyone.

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  • Anxiolytic effects of CBD

    Anxiolytic effects of CBD

    Find out about the de-stressing and calming properties of CBD for relieving anxiety and depression.

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  • CBD edibles: combining food and CBD

    CBD edibles: combining food and CBD

    CBD edibles can be added to your sweet and savoury recipes so that its benefits can be enjoyed without the strong taste of hemp.

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  • Immediate effect CBD oil

    Immediate effect CBD oil

    Read our tips for enjoying an immediate effect with CBD oil and quick relief from pain or stress.

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  • CBD and insomnia

    CBD and insomnia

    Do you suffer from insomnia or other sleep disorders? Find out about the benefits of CBD for better sleep.

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  • CBD and tinnitus

    CBD and tinnitus

    Do you suffer from tinnitus? Find out how to relieve your symptoms with CBD and restore true comfort.

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Showing 49 to 60 of 116 (10 Pages)